Our foundation continues to look for opportunities to help the regions that have been most affected by the war. We have asked food companies to provide appropriate food for the residents of these regions. Vivera, a leading European food company, responded to our request and donated more than three tonnes of its products.

Our friends from Fozzy Group, who had previously helped us deliver sleeping bags to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, provided transport, warehouses and refrigeration equipment. Thanks to them, the cargo arrived in Ukraine promptly and was safely stored while our volunteers were delivering these food sets across the long-suffering territories.

Moreover, Fozzy Group took an active part in the distribution of the food parcels. Residents of Kherson were able to receive them directly at Fora and Silpo supermarkets. Thank you, Fozzy Group, you are awesome!

We brought more than half a tonne of delicious gifts from VIVERA to the Bucha district, the same amount was received by the residents of Kherson, and we distributed 800 kg of food sets to the residents of Dnipro and the military in the Bakhmut direction. Other regions are next in line.

We are grateful to all those who cared and joined this charity event! In particular, to the Clear Energy Group (Andrey Grinenko), Let’s Unite for Victory. And let’s not forget that EVERYTHING WILL BE UKRAINE!